Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Child as a Crime in Domestic Legislation


  • Veljko Ikanović Judge of the Sumpreme Court of the Republic of Serpska and Associate Professor Faculty of Law Sciences, PanEuropisan University „Apeiron“ Banja Luka
  • Milijan Vasić Master of Laws and Associate at the Basic Court in Banja Luka



The authors deal with a new group of crimes of sexual abuse and exploitation of a child in the new Criminal Code of the Republic of Srpska 2017. Starting from the regulation of this matter in the previous legislation, pointing to solutions in the comparative legislation, the analysis of newly created incriminations explains the justification of such normalization of this sensitive matter. Attention is drawn to peer crimes of this kind and normative compliance with international legal acts, especially those adopted by the Council of Europe. All of this fits into one general framework and points to certain good and bad sides of parallel regulation of previously qualified forms of these offenses as separate offenses. In this regard, the legislator is suggested to amend certain amendments in order to eliminate the illogical nature of the legislative penalties.


