About the Journal
The aim and scope of the Journal of Information Technology and Applications (JITA) is:
• to provide international dissemination of contributions in field of Information Technology,
• to promote exchange of information and knowledge in research work and
• to explore the new developments and inventions related to the use of Information Technology towards the structuring of an Information Society.
JITA provides a medium for exchanging research results and achievements accomplished by the scientific community from academia and industry.
Svi radovi koji prođu prvu uredničku kontrolu podliježu tzv. dvostrukoj slijepoj recenziji (eng. double-blind review) kojom se ne otkriva identitet ni autora ni recenzenta.
All the papers that pass the first editorial control are subject to the so-called double-blind review process which does not reveal the identity of the authors or reviewers.
Овај часопис омогућава тренутни отворен приступ свом цјелокупном садржају у складу с увјерењем како јавна доступност истраживачких спознаја подстиче већу размјену знања и идеја.