VirtualSign Translator as a Base for a Serious Game
The goal of this paper is to present the development of a game aimed at making the process of learning sign language enjoyable and interactive, using the VirtualSign Translator. This game aims to make the process of learning sign language easier and enjoyable. In the game the player can control an avatar and interact with several objects and Non-player characters in order to obtain signs. Through the connection with VirtualSign Translator the data gloves and Kinect support, this interaction and the gestures can then be represented by the character. This allows for the user to visualize and learn or train the various existing configurations of gestures. To improve the interactivity and to make the game more interesting and motivating, several checkpoints were placed along game levels. The game has as an inventory system where the signs are kept and can be checked allowing for the user to visualize and learn or train the various existing configurations of gestures. A High Scores system was also created, as well as a History option, to ensure that the game is a continuous and motivating learning process.Downloads