Impact of Migraine on Disability and Quality of Life: Perspective from South Indian Context


  • Venkataramana Reddy Anokha Department of Psychology, PES University, Bangalore
  • Kumarpillai Gopukumar Neuropsychologist, Bangalore Neuro Centre, Bangalore
  • Dalawai Srinivas Sowmya Department of Psychology, PES University, Bangalore
  • Umashankar R Senior Neurologist, Department of Neurology, Bangalore Neuro Centre, Bangalore
  • Shobha Nandavar Senior Neurologist, Department of Neurology, Bangalore Neuro Centre, Bangalore
  • Sindhu Vasanth Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, PES University, Bangalore



Migraines, Depression, Quality of life and South Indian Population


Objective: The present study aimed to measure migraine disability scores, severity of depression and quality of life (MIDAS, PHQ-9 and WHOQOL) among migraine patients in South Indian population. Method: All participants were examined by a neurologist to confirm the migraine diagnosis. The data collection was conducted at the Bangalore Neuro Centre with a sample of 129 individuals. Pearson Correlation used to explore the relationships between migraine disability, depression severity and quality of life. Result: Our results indicated that migraines are significantly associated with depression across different age groups (15-40 years and 41-65 years). Additionally, both migraine and depression were found to impact all aspects of life including physical, psychological, social and environmental functioning. Our study highlighted the interaction between WHOQOL domains suggesting that various aspects of quality of life are interconnected. Interpretation: Despite the negative impact of migraines on quality of life, South Indian Population demonstrated better adaption and functioning capabilities compared to other populations.


