The Application of Haccp Concept in Controlling Microbiological Hazards in the Cheese Production


  • Brane Novaković University of East Sarajevo
  • Danica Savanović University of Banja Luka



According to the World Health Organization, almost 10% of the world population each year has some health problems that are caused by consuming contaminated and unsafe food. The seriousness of this problem is evident when we look at the number of fatalities and the number of cases in which it is necessary to medically treat people but also in the costs caused by the medical treatment, reduction of working capacity as a significant problem in the overall development of society.
In most cases, the causes of malfunctioning health foods belong to the group of microbiological hazards.
In this paper, it is presented the system for ensuring food safety of the production cheese from cow’s milk in craft type of processing, with a focus on the control of microbiological hazards. The established system based on HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) principles and appropriate prerequisite programs has proven to be very efficient in controlling and preventing the occurrence of contamination of the cheese produced from the cow milk.

