Relationship of Physical Activity With Obesity


  • Sandi Prayudho Sport Science Study Program, Faculty of Sport Science and Health, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta
  • Ahmad Nasrulloh Sport Science Study Program, Faculty of Sport Science and Health, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta



Physical activity is one way to prevent obesity in the community. Physical activity can be done by anyone, both people who live in urban and rural areas. Paying attention to the physical activity of people in rural areas can help avoid various kinds of diseases even that cause death. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between physical activity and obesity seen based on body fat, visceral fat and body mass index. The research method used in this study is associative quantitative method with correlational study. Data collection was preceded by measurements of height, weight, and body fat then continued by filling out the Baecke Physical Activity Questionnaire. The hypothesis testing technique carried out in this study uses simple correlation statistical analysis techniques and multiple correlations followed by t-tests at a significant level of α = 0.05. The results showed: First, there was a meaningful relationship between physical activity and body fat of -0.751, second, there was a meaningful relationship between physical activity and visceral fat of -0.608, and third, there was a meaningful relationship between physical activity and body mass index of -0.72. Bottom Line: Moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity is associated with decreased body fat, visceral fat, and BMI. Light activity or sedentary activity can lead to excessive accumulation of fat which can lead to obesity. This occurred in both male and female genders in this study.


