The Influence of Modified One-Hole Game Media in Improving Fine Motor Skills in Early Childhood


  • Susanto Susanto State Islamic University Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, Tulungagung
  • Hendra Setyawan Department of Primary School Physical Education, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY)
  • Nugroho Susanto Department of Sport Science, Faculty of Sport Science, Padang State University (UNP)
  • José Vicente García-Jiménez Department of Music, Artistic and Physical Education, Faculty of Education, University of Murcia
  • Francesca Latino Department of Human Sciences, Pegaso University, Naples
  • Francesco Tafuri Heracle Lab Research in Educational Neuroscience, Niccolò Cusano University, Rome
  • Özgür Eken Institutional Affiliation: Faculty of Sport Sciences, Inonu University



Fine motor, Media, Accuracy, One hole game


Fine motor development in children is strongly influenced by children’s play activities, one of which is educational games. There are many types of educational games that can help develop children’s fine motor skills, one of which is the one-hole game. But unfortunately, activities to improve children’s motor development have not been optimized and the frequency is still lower than in previous years. As a result, children’s fine motor development is not optimal. The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence the use of educational game tools one hole game has on the fine motor development of preschool children. This study used quasi experiment with pre and posttest approach with control. Data collection tools using the Developmental Pre-Screening Questionnaire sheet. Data analysis technique using paired-samples t test. The results of the study informed that there was an increase in children’s motor skills after intervention with one hole game in early childhood school in Jugo Village, Jepara Regency. The results showed that the intervention of One Hole Game educational game has a great influence on the fine motor development of preschool children. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, one hole game has an influence on the fine motor development of preschool children. The implication of this study is that parents need to know the right way to stimulate children’s growth and development, namely with one-hole games that provide many good benefits for early childhood.


