Modification of the Game Engklek to Improve the Character of Discipline and Thinking in Early Childhood
Engklek, Discipline, Character and ThinkingAbstract
The internalization of disciplinary character values in early childhood between 10-12 years can be done by playing various games, one of which is playing Engklek. Based on the results of observations, children are still lacking in obeying the lines of the engklek field. To determine the effect of game engklek modification on the ability to internalize the character values of discipline and thinking in children aged 10-12 years. This research uses descriptive quantitative research with the type of Pre-Experiment Design research with the One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design design. The sample of this study used all children aged 10-12 years at SD Negeri 3 Clering with a total of 30 children consisting of 16 boys and 14 girls. Data collection techniques used observation and documentation. The assessment indicator used is the accuracy of footsteps on the engklek field. The use of this modification is used to make it interesting so that children are interested in doing it. Based on the results of hypothesis testing through the Wilcoxon test, the sig value = 0.000 was obtained, this shows that there is a significant effect of the crank game modification on increasing the character values of discipline and critical thinking. These results indicate that the modified engklek game can be more effectively used as a physical education learning process in improving the ability to internalize the character values of discipline and thinking in children aged 10-12 years.