The Comparison of Anthropological Dimensions in the Multivariate Space with Judo Sportsmen at the Age of 13 to 15


  • Žarko Kostovski Faculty of Physical Education, Skopje, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje
  • Branimir Mikić Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Tuzla, University of Tuzla
  • Zorica Kostovska Independent researcher, Skopje



The study was conducted on a sample of 92 participants at the age of 13-15, who were in the training process at least a year. The sample of participants is composed of two groups of judo athletes, 50 from Macedonia and 42 from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of this study was to compare the anthropological dimensions between these two groups of participants. For the purposes of this study 28 variables were used: 9 variables for anthropometrical measures, 14 variables for motor dimensions and 5 variables for assessing situational movement structures of judo athletes. The univariate and multivariate statistical methods were identical in some anthropometrical measures, in particular the motor skills and situational movement structures of judo athletes, between groups.

