Efekti kinezioloških aktivnosti na transformaciju morfoloških karakteristika i motoričkih sposobnosti žena različite životne dobi / Effects of Kinesiological Activities on Transformation of Morphological Characteristics and Motor Abilities of Women of Different Ages


  • Vladimir Mijatović Nezavisni istraživač
  • Nedjeljko Stanković Evropski Univerzitet Brčko distrikt
  • Vullnet Ameti Fakultet za fizičko vaspitanje Univerziteta u Tetovu
  • Visar Ganiu Fakultet za fizičko vaspitanje Univerziteta u Tetovu
  • Shpresa Memishi Fakultet za fizičko vaspitanje Univerziteta u Tetovu




This research was conducted with the aim of determining the effects of various kinesiology activities on the morphological transformation of features and motor abilities of women of different ages. The sample was consisted of 160 respondents - workers in the shoe industry “Obuća” Zvornik, ages 20-44. The same pattern was divided on the basis of chronological age on 4 sub-samples/ groups, as follows: 20-25 years, 26-31 years, 32-37 years and 38-44 years old. In this research were applied ten (10) variables of morphological characteristics and ten (10) variables to estimate the motor abilities. To determine the difference between experimental groups on the final measuring by fragmentation difference between the groups at the initial measuring and determining the effects of kinesiological treatment on the transformation of morphological characteristics and motor abilities was applied multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA), and the invariant level was applied the invariant analysis of covariance ( ANCOVA). So in a global assessment of the quality and justification of applying the programmed kinesiology treatment in six months, we can say that it produced significant effects on the transformation of morphological characteristics and motor abilities in the study sample. Statistically the most significant effects of kinetic activities (experimental treatment), were achieved at the first and second groups of women who are in chronological age from 20-25 and 26-31 years old.

