Results of the Health Security Open Swimming Pools and Recreation Center “Fortuna” Banja Luka // Rezultati ispitivanja zdravstvene bezbjednosti vode otvorenih bazena rekreacionog centra „Fortuna“ Banja Luka


  • Bogoljub Antonić University / University “Vitez” Vitez
  • Ljiljana Stojanović-Bjelić Pan-European University “Apeiron” Banja Luka
  • Habiba Ganić University / University “Vitez” Vitez
  • Rosa Bajičić Pan-European University “Apeiron” Banja Luka
  • Gordan Bajić Pan-European University “Apeiron” Banja Luka



Man is by living in urban areas, exposed to a variety of factors that directly or indirectly affect its health, living conditions and the only life. People feel a lack of spatial freedom, a growing number of nervousness, depression, accidents in traffic, deformities, degenerative diseases, etc.. To prevent all this, one must increasingly move because certain physical activities increase the functional capability of all organ systems. Swimming is a physical activity that is at the effectiveness of the head, and a significant number of people, temporarily or permanently, to use swimming pools. Recreational activities at the pools could endanger health, so it is necessary to the proper management of the pools, to the negative impact of reduced to the smallest possible measure. Tests confirmed that the quality of the water depends on the proper disciplinary proceeding purification and disinfection of water, depending on the workload of the pool, the implementation of appropriate sanitary-hygienic measures and user behavior as a contributory factor to water pollution.

Author Biography

Gordan Bajić, Pan-European University “Apeiron” Banja Luka

Man is by living in urban areas, exposed to a variety of factors that directly or indirectly affect its health, living conditions and the only life. People feel a lack of spatial freedom, a growing number of nervousness, depression, accidents in traffic, deformities, degenerative diseases, etc.. To prevent all this, one must increasingly move because certain physical activities increase the functional capability of all organ systems. Swimming is a physical activity that is at the effectiveness of the head, and a significant number of people, temporarily or permanently, to use swimming pools. Recreational activities at the pools could endanger health, so it is necessary to the proper management of the pools, to the negative impact of reduced to the smallest possible measure. Tests confirmed that the quality of the water depends on the proper disciplinary proceeding purification and disinfection of water, depending on the workload of the pool, the implementation of appropriate sanitary-hygienic measures and user behavior as a contributory factor to water pollution.

