Sportsperson’s Health as a Psychological Problem


  • Julia Mutafova Zaberska National Sports Academy, Sofia



Modern education cultivates society and every single person in it through knowledge not only for the wide world/the universe but also for the body and human’s health. This is made possible thanks to the continuous, permanent/incessant education of the specialist – the governing body of the Panevropsky University “APEIRON” understands that perfectly well. The endless realm of knowledge itself makes us people of knowledge, and every sportsperson in particular – a man of knowledge – a “knowman”. Only with the help of this force can we overcome the “contamination” of our life, starting with Nature and reaching the body and soul.
We need one holistic approach for the study of human as a complex system of hydrosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, ionosphere, nanosphere and noosphere. Knowing this, it is especially important to know the very complicated psycho-somatic human structure - especially in the world of physical education and sports. This means, we have to understand the main dualisms of existence - the two main origins of our life (masculinity-femininity, subject-object, nature-culture, mystics-science, human-God). They are the major bearers of spiritual and material foundations of the sportsperson’s health.

