Weakly Isotone and Strongly Reverse Isotone Mappings of Relational Systems
The setting of this article is Classical algebra and Bishop's con-structive algebra (the algebra based on the Intuitionistic logic). The Esakia's concept in the classical mathematics of strongly isotone mapping between ordered sets is extended onto two different concepts of mappings: on the concept of weakly isotone and the concept of strongly reverse isotone mapping of rela-
tional systems. Some characterizations of those mappings are given and some application of those mappings in ordered semigroup theory are given.
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[2] D. S. Bridges and F. Richman, Varieties of constructive mathematics, London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes 97, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1987.
[3] D. S. Bridges and L.S.Vita: Techniques of constructive analysis, Springer, New York 2006.
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[10] D.A.Romano: A Remark on Mapping between Relational Systems; In Pilipovic, S. (ed.) Proceedings of the 12th Serbian Mathematical Congress (August 28 - September 03, 2008),
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[11] D. A. Romano: On Quasi-Antiorder Relation on Semigroups; Mat. vesnik, 64(3)(2012), 190-199.
[12] D. A. Romano: On some mappings between co-quasiordered relational systems; Bull.Inter. Math. Virt. Inst., 7(2)(2017), 279{291.
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