Процјена квалитета модела математичких задатака при тестирању кандидата (одржано 29.06.2015.) за упис на Машински факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци
У овом тексту, аутор нуди промишљања о процјени квалитета математичких задатака при тестирању кандидата пријављених за упис на Машински факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци. Кориштени модел процјене квалитета наслања се напроцјене развијене у дисертацији Белинда Хантли из 2008. године.
[1] Anderson, L. W., Krathwohl, D. R., and Bloom, B. S. (2001), A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Boston, MA: Ally & Bacon.
[2] Biggs, J.B. and Collis, K.F. (1982), Evaluating the Quality of Learning: The SOLO Taxonomy, Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome; Academic Press, London.
[3] Crvenković, S. MrĎa, M., Romano, D.A., Zubac, M. (2015), Analiziranje matematičkih zadataka korištenjem MATH taksonomije, ИМО – Истраживање математичког образовања, Vol. VII (2015), Broj 13: 1-12.
[4] Engelbrecht, J., Harding, A. and Potgieter, M. (2005), Undergraduate students’ performance and confidence in procedural and conceptual mathematics. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science & Technology, 36(7),
[5] Fuhrman, M. (1996). Developing good multiple choice tests and test questions. Journal of Geoscience Education, 44: 379-384.
[6] Haladyna, T.M. (1999). Developing and validating multiple choice test items. (2nd ed.). Mahwah, NT: Lawrence Erlbaum.
[7] Hasan, S., Bagayako, D. and Kelley, E.L. (1999), Misconceptions and the Certainty of Response Index (CRI). Physics Education, 34 (5): 294-299.
[8] Huntley, B. (2008), Comparing different assessment formats in undergraduate mathematics. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Pretoria, Pretoria; Retrieved from
[9] Huntley, B., Engelbrecht, J. and Harding, A. (2009), An assessment component taxonomy for alternative mathematics assessment formats. In: D. Wessels (Ed.), Proceedings of the 7th Southern Right Delta Conference on the Teaching and
Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics (pp. 117–128). Gordons Bay, South Africa: International Delta Steering Committee.
[10] Huntley, B., Engelbrecht, J. and Harding, A. (2009а), How good are your mathematics questions? In O. Nam Kwon & A. Harding (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress on Mathematical Education: Topic Study
Group 5. Retrieved from http://tsg.icme11.org/document/get/554.
[11] Huntley, B., Engelbrecht, J. and Harding, A. (2009b), Can Multiple Choice Questions be Successfully Used as an Assessment Format in Undergraduate Mathematics? Pythagoras, 69: 3-16
[12] Huntley, B., Engelbrecht, J. and Harding, A. (2010), A model for measuring the quality a mathematical question, Far East Journa of Mathematics Education, 5(2): 141-171.
[13] Kosić-Jeremić, S. and Preradović, Lj. (2014), Achievement in university entrance examination relative to attendance in preparation classes and type of secondary school completed: a case study of geodesy undergraduate candidates. International Journal of Education and Research, 2(9): 59-70.
[14] Maksimović, S. and Boroja, I. (2016), The Importance of Preparation Classes for Taking the University Entrance Examination in Mathematics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, IMVI Open Mathematyical
Education Notes, 6(1)
[15] Niss, M. (1993), Investigations into Assessment in Mathematics Education. An ICMI Study. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
[16] Preradović, LJ., Antunović, B. and Kosić-Jeremić, S. (2013), The effects of university entrance preparation courses at the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy in the academic year 2012/13, Proceedings of the National Conference with International participation, Businees Process
Reengineering in Education (pp. 412-420). Čačak, Serbia: Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak.
[17] Romano, D.A. (2013), Резултати пријемног испита на Машинском факултету у Бањој Луци, одржаног 02.07.2012. MAT-KOL, XIX (2): 15-19.
[18] Романо, Д.А. (2014), Анализа резултата пријемног теста из математике на Машинском факултету у Бањој Луци одржаног 01.07.2013. IMO – Истраживање математичког образовања, VI (2014), Broj 10: 5-24.
[19] Romano D. A. (2014а), The use of mathematical tasks design to establish development of students' mathematical thinking by an admission exam at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Banja Luka University, IMVI Open
Mathematical Education Notes, Vol. 4: 19-29
[20] Романо, Д.А. (2015), Један примјер дизајна задатака у утврђивању математичких умјећа, Нова школа (Бијељина), 10(1): 18-37.
[21] Romberg, T.A. (1992), Mathematics Assessment and Evaluation, Imperatives for Mathematics Educators, State University of New York.
[22] Smith, G. H., Wood, L. N., Crawford, K., Coupland, M., Ball, G., & Stephenson, B. (1996), Constructing mathematical examinations to assess a range of knowledge and skills. International Journal of Mathematical Education in
Science and Technology, 27(1): 65-77.
[23] Stenmark, J.K. (1991), Mathematics assessment: Myths, Models, Good questions and practical suggestions. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
[24] Wiggins, G. (1989), A true test: toward more authentic and equitable assessment. Phi Delta Kappan, 70(9), 703-713.
[2] Biggs, J.B. and Collis, K.F. (1982), Evaluating the Quality of Learning: The SOLO Taxonomy, Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome; Academic Press, London.
[3] Crvenković, S. MrĎa, M., Romano, D.A., Zubac, M. (2015), Analiziranje matematičkih zadataka korištenjem MATH taksonomije, ИМО – Истраживање математичког образовања, Vol. VII (2015), Broj 13: 1-12.
[4] Engelbrecht, J., Harding, A. and Potgieter, M. (2005), Undergraduate students’ performance and confidence in procedural and conceptual mathematics. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science & Technology, 36(7),
[5] Fuhrman, M. (1996). Developing good multiple choice tests and test questions. Journal of Geoscience Education, 44: 379-384.
[6] Haladyna, T.M. (1999). Developing and validating multiple choice test items. (2nd ed.). Mahwah, NT: Lawrence Erlbaum.
[7] Hasan, S., Bagayako, D. and Kelley, E.L. (1999), Misconceptions and the Certainty of Response Index (CRI). Physics Education, 34 (5): 294-299.
[8] Huntley, B. (2008), Comparing different assessment formats in undergraduate mathematics. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Pretoria, Pretoria; Retrieved from
[9] Huntley, B., Engelbrecht, J. and Harding, A. (2009), An assessment component taxonomy for alternative mathematics assessment formats. In: D. Wessels (Ed.), Proceedings of the 7th Southern Right Delta Conference on the Teaching and
Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics (pp. 117–128). Gordons Bay, South Africa: International Delta Steering Committee.
[10] Huntley, B., Engelbrecht, J. and Harding, A. (2009а), How good are your mathematics questions? In O. Nam Kwon & A. Harding (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress on Mathematical Education: Topic Study
Group 5. Retrieved from http://tsg.icme11.org/document/get/554.
[11] Huntley, B., Engelbrecht, J. and Harding, A. (2009b), Can Multiple Choice Questions be Successfully Used as an Assessment Format in Undergraduate Mathematics? Pythagoras, 69: 3-16
[12] Huntley, B., Engelbrecht, J. and Harding, A. (2010), A model for measuring the quality a mathematical question, Far East Journa of Mathematics Education, 5(2): 141-171.
[13] Kosić-Jeremić, S. and Preradović, Lj. (2014), Achievement in university entrance examination relative to attendance in preparation classes and type of secondary school completed: a case study of geodesy undergraduate candidates. International Journal of Education and Research, 2(9): 59-70.
[14] Maksimović, S. and Boroja, I. (2016), The Importance of Preparation Classes for Taking the University Entrance Examination in Mathematics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, IMVI Open Mathematyical
Education Notes, 6(1)
[15] Niss, M. (1993), Investigations into Assessment in Mathematics Education. An ICMI Study. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
[16] Preradović, LJ., Antunović, B. and Kosić-Jeremić, S. (2013), The effects of university entrance preparation courses at the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy in the academic year 2012/13, Proceedings of the National Conference with International participation, Businees Process
Reengineering in Education (pp. 412-420). Čačak, Serbia: Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak.
[17] Romano, D.A. (2013), Резултати пријемног испита на Машинском факултету у Бањој Луци, одржаног 02.07.2012. MAT-KOL, XIX (2): 15-19.
[18] Романо, Д.А. (2014), Анализа резултата пријемног теста из математике на Машинском факултету у Бањој Луци одржаног 01.07.2013. IMO – Истраживање математичког образовања, VI (2014), Broj 10: 5-24.
[19] Romano D. A. (2014а), The use of mathematical tasks design to establish development of students' mathematical thinking by an admission exam at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Banja Luka University, IMVI Open
Mathematical Education Notes, Vol. 4: 19-29
[20] Романо, Д.А. (2015), Један примјер дизајна задатака у утврђивању математичких умјећа, Нова школа (Бијељина), 10(1): 18-37.
[21] Romberg, T.A. (1992), Mathematics Assessment and Evaluation, Imperatives for Mathematics Educators, State University of New York.
[22] Smith, G. H., Wood, L. N., Crawford, K., Coupland, M., Ball, G., & Stephenson, B. (1996), Constructing mathematical examinations to assess a range of knowledge and skills. International Journal of Mathematical Education in
Science and Technology, 27(1): 65-77.
[23] Stenmark, J.K. (1991), Mathematics assessment: Myths, Models, Good questions and practical suggestions. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
[24] Wiggins, G. (1989), A true test: toward more authentic and equitable assessment. Phi Delta Kappan, 70(9), 703-713.