
  • Nataša Petković Grozdanović University of Niš
  • Branislava Stoiljković University of Niš
  • Slaviša Kondić University of Niš
  • Katarina Medar University of Niš



In order to ensure the sustainability of social housing, the living conditions should meet basic biological needs [demands], but they should also have a stimulating effect on the psycho-social development of the users. The focus of the research is on identification and definition of the physical and spatial criteria that are essential for the quality and sustainability of this type of housing in order to distinguish the dwelling layouts [housing models] that can be considered appropriate for the specific requirements of social housing,


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How to Cite

N. Petković Grozdanović, B. Stoiljković, S. Kondić, and K. Medar, “SPATIAL ARRANGEMENT OF MULTIFAMILY SOCIAL HOUSING – KEY CRITERIA RELEVANT FOR THE QUALITY OF HOUSING”, STEPGRAD, vol. 1, no. 15, pp. 409-418, Sep. 2022.