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Dujaković, Drago, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, “Nešković Osiguranje” A.D. Bijeljina, Establishment Banja Luka, Banja Luka


Filipović, Dragoljub, Prim. Dr., specialist in occupational medicine, Association of Court Experts of Serbia


Gajić, Neđo, graduation engineer graphic technology and design - master, director of the printing house “Compex” in Banja Luka,Republic of Srpska
Gajić, Neđo, Graduation engineer graphic technology and design – master, director of the printing house ‘’Compex’’ in Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska
Gajić, Neđo, graduation engineer graphic technology and design – master, director of the printing house ”Compex” in Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska
Garić, Miodrag, Dipl.-Ing. Permanent Court Expert for road transport and evaluation of vehicles, Licensed STPV leader in the FBiH, Livno, Livno
Gavrilović, Slavko, Bankruptcy Trustee
Gavrilović, Slavko, stalni sudski vještak mašinske struke u Trnovu
Goletić, Teufik, PhD, Department of Breeding, Production and Health Care in Poultry Farming, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sarajevo
Govedarica, Veselin, occupational medicine specialist, Association of court experts in occupational health Belgrade, Belgrade
Govedarica, Veselin, Prim. Dr. Specialist of Occupational Medicine, the Association of Court Expert Witnesses, Belgrad
Govedarica, Veselin, Prim. dr. sci. Specialist of Occupational Medicine, the Association of Court Experts in occupational health Belegrade
Govedarica, Veselin, Prim. Dr. Specialist of Occupational Medicine, the Association of Court Expert Witnesses, Belgrad
Govedarica, Veselin, Prim. Dr., specialist in occupational medicine, Association of Court Experts of Serbia, Belgrade
Govedarica, Veselin, PhD, Association of Expert Witnesses in Belgrade
Govedarica, Veselin, Prim. dr, Udruženje sudskih veštaka Beograd


Hamidović, Amra, mag. iur., Legal Adviser at OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Hamidović, Haris, PhD, CISO at MCF EKI Sarajevo and profesor at University College “International Business IT Academy” Tuzla
Hamidović, Haris, PhD, CISO at MCF EKI Sarajevo, profesor at University College “International Business IT Academy” Tuzla and assistant professor at Faculty of Information Technology Travnik, University „VITEZ“
Hamidović, Haris, PhD, CISO at MCF / MCC EKI Sarajevo, profesor at University College “International Business IT Academy” Tuzla, profesor at College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA Brcko District BiH and assistant professor at Faculty of Information Technology Travnik, University „VITEZ“


Ivanišević, Tijana, Traffi c Safety Group d.o.o., Belgrade
Ivanišević, Tijana, Traffic Safety Group d.o.o., Belgrade
Ivanišević, Tijana, Higher Technical College of Vocational Studies Kragujevac, Kragujevac
Ivanov, Milena, prim. mr. sci Occupational Medicine Specialist, “Vojvodina” Association of Expert Witnesses Novi Sad
Ivanov, Zoran, prim. mr. sci Occupational Medicine Specialist, „Vojvodina“ Association of Expert Witnesses Novi Sad

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