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Janjić, Svjetlana, Full professor, forensic expert for textile technology, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Technology, Banja Luka
Janković, Zoran, M.A., deputy commander of the Banja Luka Police, Ministry of interior of RS, Banja Luka
Janković, Zoran, MA, Deputy Commander of the Public Security Centre of Banja Luka, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka
Janković, Zoran, PhD security, deputy commander of the Banja Luka Police, Ministry of interior of RS, Banja Luka
Janković, Zoran, Ph. D of Security Studies, Assistant of Police Commander, Banja Luka, Banja Luka
Janković, Zoran, PhD, Professor at the Business and Technical School, Bijeljina
Janković, Zoran, Doctor of Security Sciences, forensic expert in the field of criminology, Banja Luka
Jažić, Adnan, Professor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sarajevo
Jelić, Bojan, MSc, Bojan R. Jelić, DMD, Doctor of Dental Medicine, Specialist in Dental Surgery, Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, private practice
Jelić, Bojan, MSc, Bojan R. Jelić, DMD, Doctor of Dental Medicine, Specialist in Dental Surgery, Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, private practice
Jelić, Bojan, Mr sci. dr Bojan R. Jelić, doktor stomatologije, specijalista oralne hirurgije, Bijeljina, Bosna i Hercegovina, privatna praksa
Jelić, Tatjana, Doctor of Dental Medicine, Specijalist in Jaw Orthopedics, Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, private practice
Jelić, Tatjana, doktor stomatologije, specijalista oralne hirurgije, vanredni profesor, Medicinski fakultet Foča, studijski program stomatologija, Brčko
Jovanović, Cvjetko, grad. eng. of mining – Court expert mining industry, Bijeljina
Jovašević, Dragan, PhD, full professor, Faculty of Law, University of Niš, Nis
Jovašević, Dragan, Full Professor of the Fakulty of Law in Nis, Nis
Jovašević, Dragan, Full professor at, the University of Niš Faculty of Law, Niš
Jovašević, Dragan, Full professor at the University of Niš Faculty of Law, Nis
Jovašević, Dragan, Ph. D., Full professor at the University of Niš Faculty of Law, Niš
Jovašević, Dragan, Full Professor of the Faculty of Law, Niš

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