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Sarajlija, Sabina, MA, Prosecutor - Sarajevo Canton Cantonal Prosecutor’s Offi ce, Sarajevo


Šatrović, Edin, Prof. dr, Department of Forensic and Administrative Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Faculty, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo
Šatrović, Edin, Department of Forensic and Administrative Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo
Šatrović, Edin, Professor, Department of Forensic and Administrative Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sarajevo
Šatrović, Edin, PhD, Department of Judicial and Administrative Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sarajevo
Šatrović, Lejla, Senior Assistant, Department of Judicial and Administrative Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sarajevo


Savanović, Jovo, graduation engineer graphic technology and design - master, director of the printing house “ Grafica” in Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska
Savanović, Jovo, Graduation engineer graphic technology and design – master, director of the printing house ‘’Grafica’’ in Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska
Savanović, Jovo, graduation engineer graphic technology and design – master, director of the printing house “Grafica” in Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska


Šćepanović, Gavrilo, Prim. Dr , court expert witness, Belgrade
Šćepanović, Gavrilo, prim. dr, sudski veštak, Beograd
Šćepanović, Gavrilo, Prim. dr, court expert, Belgrade


Simović, Marina, Secretary of Ombudsman for Childer of Republika Srpska, Faculty of Law at “Apeiron” University Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, BiH
Simović, Marina M., Assistant professor, Secretary of the Ombudsman for Children of Republic of Srpska and Assistant professor Faculty of Law University „Apeiron“ Banja Luka
Simović, Marina M., Assistant professor, Faculty of Law University „Apeiron“ Banja Luka and Secretary of the Ombudsman for Children of Republic of Srpska
Simović, Marina M., Secretary of the Republic of Srpska Children’s Ombudsman and an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the “Apeiron” University in Banja Luka, Banjaluka
Simović, Marina M., sekretar Ombudsmena za djecu Republike Srpske i docent Fakulteta pravnih nauka Univerziteta „Apeiroin“ u Banjoj Luci, Banjaluka
Simović, Marina M., Doc. dr, Secretary of the Republic of Srpska Children’s Ombudsman and an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the “Apeiron” University in Banja Luka, Banjaluka
Simović, Marina M., Assistant professor, Secretary of the Ombudsman for Children of Republic of Srpska and Assistant professor Faculty of Law University „Apeiron“ Banja Luka
Simović, Marina M., Secretary of the Ombudsman for Children of the Republika Srpska and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of University „Apeiron“ in Banja Luka
Simović, Marina M., Secretary of the Ombudsman for Children of the Republika Srpska and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of University „Apeiron“ in Banja Luka
Simović, Marina M.
Simović, Marina M., Associate Professor, Secretary of the Ombudsman for Children of the Republika Srpska, Faculty of Legal Sciences of the Pan-European University “Apeiron” in Banja Luka
Simović, Marina M., Full professor, Faculty of Legal Sciences of the Pan-European University “Apeiron” in Banja Luka
Simović, Milena, secretary of the Ombudsman for Children of the Republika Srpska and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of University „Apeiron“ in Banja Luka

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