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Simović, Vladimir M., Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Security and Protection Independent University in Banja Luka and Faculty of Law University „Vitez“ Vitez
Simović, Vladimir M., Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina and associate Professor of the Faculty of Security and Protection of the Independent University of Banja Luka and the law Faculty of the University of “Vitez” in Vitez
Simović, Vladimir M., prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, full professor at the Faculty of Security and Protection Independent University in Banja Luka
Simović, Vladimir M., Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH and full professor of the Faculty of Security and Protection of the Independent University of Banja Luka


Šimun, Bogdan, Prof. dr sc., full professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, the University of Mostar
Šimun, Bogdan, a full-time professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of Mostar, Mostar
Šimun, Bogdan, Full Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computing in Mostar, Mostar
Šimun, Bogdan, Full professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computing in Mostar


Sinanović, Senad, International University of Brcko District BiH, Brcko
Smiljić, Stanimirka, Bachelor of Laws, Faculty of Law, University of Banja Luka, expert associate for general legal affairs, HIDRO-KOP d.o.o. Banja Luka
Soldo, Franjo, Master of engineering graphic technology, Expert in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Stanišić, Jelena, Bachelor of Architectural Engineering, Banja Luka
Stjepanović, Risto, Master, B.Sc. eng. constr. expert in construction and architecture, field of hydraulic engineering
Stjepanović, Risto, MSc in Geodesy, expert for civil engineering and architecture, and hydraulic engineering, Čelinac
Stjepanović, Snježana, Bachelor of Science in Forestry, JPŠ. „Šume Republike Srpske“ a.d. Sokolac, Š.G. ,,Visočnik“ Han Pijesak
Stjepanović, Stefan, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, University of East Sarajevo
Stojičić, Dragan, MSc in Forestry, Banja Luka

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