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Pašić, Irena, Master of Arts in Psychology Banja Luka
Perić, Zoran, Bachelor of Law, lawyer, Bijeljina
Petković, Jelena, Attorney at Law, Bijeljina
Petrić, Željko, Master of traffic, Agency services in traffic “AUTOSAOBRAĆAJ” Brcko District of BiH, Brčko
Petrić, Željko, PhD, Agency services in traffic «Autosaobraćaj» Brcko District of BiH, Brčko
Petrović, Stojana, LL.M, teaching asistent, Faculty of Law, University of Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska
Pilipović, Dejan, Master of Law in narrow scientific civil justice field, a student of doctoral studies at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law, a member of the Republic of Srpska Lawyers Association, Prijedor
Piljić, Jozo, PhD in Economic Sciences, Indirect Taxation Authority Banja Luka, Regional Centre Tuzla, professor at the Faculty of Business Economics, University “Vitez” in Vitez
Piljić, Jozo, PhD in Economic Sciences, Indirect Taxation Authority Banja Luka Regional centre Tuzla, professor at the Faculty of Business Economics University “Vitez” in Vitez
Popović, Zvezdana, Master of Economics, Certified Internal Auditor
Popović, Zvezdana, master of economics, University of Business Studies Banja Luka, authorised internal auditor
Pušac, Jovana, Doctor of Legal Science, Lawyer, Banja Luka
Pušac, Jovana, ma, advokat, Banja Luka
Pušac, Jovana, Doctor of Legal Science, Lawyer, Banja Luka

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