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Varunek, Nikola, Master of Arts in Economics, employed at the Bosnia and Herzegovina State Investigation and Protection Agency (BiH SIPA)
Varunek, Nikola, MA in Economics, employed at the State Investigation and Protection Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH SIPA), Banja Luka
Varunek, Nikola, Master of Economics, employed the State Investigation and Protection Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH SIPA)
Varunek, Nikola, Master of Economics, employed at the state Investigation and Protection Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (SIPA BiH), Banja Luka
Vasiljević, Slavko S., Assistant, MSc in Geodesy, the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy of the University of Banja Luka, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska
Vidoni, Alessandro, Court Expert in the field of Architecture and Civil Engineering Architect – Italy, Technical Consultant of the JP Law Office Banja Luka
Vidoni, Alessandro, Court Expert in the field of Architecture and Civil Engineering Architect – Italy, Technical Consultant of the JP Law Office Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Višnjić, Radenko I., PhD in Geodesy, the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy of the University of Banja Luka, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska
Vujanić, Milan, Prof. dr Faculty of Transport and Traffi c Engineering, Belgrade
Vujanić, Milan, Prof. Dr. Faculty of Transport and Traffi c Engineering, Belgrade
Vukmirović, Saša, M.D. - Ph.D, specialist in clinical pharmacology, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Novi Sad
Vuković, Aleksandra, LL. D. Aleksandra Vukovic, Assistant director of Public Health Institute Health Center Trebinje and assistant at University for business engineering and management – Study center Trebinje, Trebinje
Vuković, Boško, Doc. dr prof. at the Faculty of Mining in Prijedor, member of the Board for Geosciences at the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska
Vukšić, Vedran, Center for Traffic Safety, Belgrade

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