Bridges built on the territory of the Republic of Srpska during the Ottoman period


  • Milijana Okilj Republic Institute for Protection of cultural, historical and nature heritage of Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina,



bridge, ottoman period, stone, vault


The history of bridge construction is marked by incredible achievements and new technologies that have enabled bridges to become one of the most important tools for bridging cities and countries. Throughout their long history, bridges have managed to influence our culture and improve the way we travel, do business etc. It was a long way from the first bridges to the grandiose constructions. With the arrival of the Ottomans on the Balkan Peninsula, a new specific bridge construction was formed, based on the influence of the Ottoman bridges, but also on the rich tradition of local builders. Remarkable successes were achieved in the construction in the Ottoman period. A considerable number of stone bridges were built in the territory of the Republic of Srpska during that period, which occupy an important place in the construction of that period.



How to Cite

M. Okilj, “Bridges built on the territory of the Republic of Srpska during the Ottoman period”, AGG+, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 034-048, Dec. 2020.