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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Пријављени чланак није претходно објављиван нити се налази у рецензијском поступку при неком другом часопису. У супротном, молимо то образложити под "коментари уреднику".
  • Датотека која садржи рад је у Microsoft Word или RTF формату.
  • URL адресе за мрежно доступне библиографске честице су приложене.
  • Текст садржи једноструки размак; користи се фонт 12; преферира се курзив(italic), радије него подвлачење (прихвата се за URL адресе); и све илустрације, слике и табеле су смештене на погодним местима у тексту, радије него на његовом крају.
  • Текст испуњава стилске и библиографске захтјеве наведен у Смјернице за ауторе, које се налазе у рубрици "о часопису".
  • Ако предајете за стручно рецензирану рубрику часописа, упуте у Како осигурати анонимност рецензије се морају слиједити.

Author Guidelines

Agroznanje/Agro-knowledge Journal is a scientific journal publishing original scientific papers that have not been previously published. Abstracts, synopses, master and PhD theses are not considered as published papers regarding their publishing in the Agroznanje/Agro-knowledge Journal.

Categories of papers

Original scientific paper is a detailed report on the original scientific research accomplished by the use of scientific methods, which are described in the manuscript and allow the research to be repeated as needed, and the established facts to be verified. Original scientific papers are organised according to the IMRAD scheme for the experimental research or descriptive scheme for the descriptive scientific fields, and contains the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, References, as well as Abstract translated into Serbian (optional) and Acknowledgements (optional).

Review scientific paper is an overview of the latest research in a specific field and has the aim of summarizing, analysing, evaluating or synthesising previously published information, as well as creating new syntheses that also include the results of the author's own research. Review scientific papers should consist of the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Discussion or Analysis, Conclusion, References and Abstract translated into Serbian (optional) and Acknowledgement (optional).

Preliminary communication refers to a paper that is shorter or has a preliminary character, in which some elements of IMRAD may be omitted, and it is a summary of the results of a completed original research paper or an emerging article (or working paper).

Scientific review, discussion or commentary is a debate on a particular scientific topic, based solely on scientific argumentation, in which the author proves the correctness of a particular criterion of his/her opinion or refutes the findings of other authors.

Presentation of a book, instrument, computer program, case, scientific event and the like is an article in which the author evaluates the correctness/irregularity of a scientific or professional work, criteria, setting or starting point, with particular emphasis on the quality of the evaluated work.

The author suggests the category of his/her paper, while the final decision is made by the editorial board after receiving a proposal by reviewers.

Preparing papers for publishing

Papers should be written in English. Paper length is limited to 10 pages for originaln and 12 pages for review scoentific papers in A4 paper format. For all other categories it is limited to 6 pages in A4 paper format. This paper length includes all the tables, graphs, figures, schemes, etc. All parts of a paper should be written in 11 pt Times New Roman, single line spacing, full justify alignment. All the margins should be 2.5 cm.

Papers are submitted to the editorial board by email

The paper title should be concise, informative and written in sentence case, 14 pt font size, bolded and left aligned.

The authors’ name and surname should be written without title of rank, in 11 pt font size, left aligned, one empty line below the paper title, without highlighting.

The name and address of the institution (organization) in which the respective authors are employed should be below the name of the authors, followed by the name of the city and country where the institution is located, in italics, left aligned.

Also, the e-mail address of the corresponding author should be written in footnote of the title page marked with "*".

Abstract provides a brief description (summary) of the paper that needs to be 250 words maximum. The abstract should contain the following elements: the objective (purpose) of the research, methods, results and a short conclusion.

Key words (maximum 5 words), with a single space below the Abstract, are given in the following way: "Key words: First key word, Second key word...Fifth key word".

References are written in alphabetical order with full data (author, year, title, publisher, place of publication, pages).

Abstract translation into Serbian is optional. Following the pattern above, the Abstract translation should also include the paper title, the author's name, the name of the institution (organization) in which the respective authors are employed, the name of the city and country where the institution (organization) is placed and Key words, as well, all in the format specified above.

Tables, graphs and figures in the paper must be numbered and have a proper caption/title (e.g. Tab. 1/Graph 1/Fig. 1- respective title). The captions of the tables are above them with left alignment and one blank line in between, while the names of graphs and figures are below them, centred, with one blank line in between, all 10 pt. Tables, graphs, and figures should not go beyond the set margins. Redundant lines, cell colouring, bold letters, and the like, should be avoided in tables. Graphs and figures are to be displayed without a frame. All text elements have to be specified in English, the 8 pt to 11 pt font size and a regular font style. Figures, schemes, etc., must be at least 150 dpi and sent as separate attachments, while the figures of the lower resolution should be actually set in the paper in order to demonstrate their desired position and dimensions.

Nomenclature and units - use the international system of units (SI). If other units are mentioned, please give their equivalent in SI. Authors and Editor(s) are, by general agreement, obliged to accept the rules governing biological nomenclature, as laid down in the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria, and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.

Agroznanje/Agro-knowledge Journal applies Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) style and advice for citing and listing references.

Citations in the text (in-text citations) are in parentheses and include the author's name and year of publication, separated by commas. The number of the cited pages can be put after the year of publication and it is also separated by commas.

It is best to avoid the abbreviations unless they are generally known. When they are cited for the first time, each abbreviation needs to be explained, i.e., stated as a complete phrase. The abbreviations in tables, graphs, and figures need to be explained.

Footnotes should be avoided and only used when it is necessary to give further explanation for a part of the text.

Acknowledgements are placed at the end of the paper, after the section Conclusion and usually include information about the research support, projects, etc.

List of References is placed at the end of the paper and it must have all the sources used in the paper. Personal documents, letters, memoranda, and informal electronic communication should not be placed in References. The name of the city where the work was published is omitted if the name is included in the publisher's name (e.g. University of Banja Luka). References are written in the alphabetical order. If you cite more than one paper of the same author, the earlier published ones should be cited first, then the latest, while the ones published in the same year should be cited in the alphabetical order according to the titles, e.g., (1995a), (1995b). In case they have no author, the title and the name of the institution takes the place of the author's name. Secondary sources citation should be avoided and used only for the sources not available ingenerally spoken languages. Only the secondary source is included in the reference list.

For details of the guide for authors, visit the page

All papers receive a UDC and a classification number.

All papers are subject to language proofreading and technical proofreading, and the right of the technical editor to make possible minor corrections in agreement with the author.




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