Incidence of reproductive pathogens in breeding pigs in the Republic of Srpska




The aim of the study was to examine the incidence of reproductive pathogens in the breeding pig populations on selected farms in the Republic of Srpska. The study included a total of 11 farms from the territory of the Republic of Srpska (Bijeljina - 4, Gradiška - 3, Prnjavor - 2, Foča - 1, Ljubinje - 1), from which a total of 50 blood samples of breeding sows and boars were taken. All blood samples were serologically negative for the causative agents of leptospirosis and brucellosis. The presence of the PRRS virus was found on 54.55% of examined farms and 40% of blood samples, circovirus on 81.18% farms and 66% blood samples, and Aujecki's disease virus on 9.09% of the farms and 10% of blood samples. The results of this study indicate the presence of mixed infections with the mentioned causative agents, which results in an unclear clinical picture in the pigs on the examined farms, as well as the need to implement systematic monitoring and active surveillance of these diseases, with the aim of reducing their negative impact on the production and reproductive parameters of pigs. Also, the results of this study indicate an insufficient level of knowledge and awareness of farmers about the importance of applying preventive measures in controlling the presence of the mentioned and other pathogens in farm pigs, and in the following period it is necessary to work on educating farmers in this regard.


