Lessons Concerning Creative Economy
This paper deals with the terms of creative economy and creative industry as well as their rising economic power and employment capacity. The original concept of creative class by Florida is accepting that all those devoted to science as well as engineers, architects, designers, and employees in fields of education, arts and entertainment industry fall within this class. Moreover, the qualified experts from the areas of business, finance, law and health belong to the mentioned class. Among the researches made in Hungary, the findings by Ságvári (2008) seem especially relevant, since he expands the term of creative economy beyond cultural industry with other creative and knowledge-intensive ones. Global and business competitiveness of Serbia as well as its innovative capacity lags far behind the neighbouring countries, except Bosnia and Herzegovina. We do not possess adequately prepared management layer capable of answering the requirements of the world market. In order to check this assumption we provided a survey among managers wondering how much they know and apply management methods applied in competitive economies, as well as if there are opportunities for applying sophisticated business methods. The paper underline that the business incubator and its innovative services will provide a stable background for local, in most of the cases start-up businesses, due to which, after the incubation period, they will come out to the market strengthened and they will be able to hold on in domestic and international competition.Downloads