Evaluation of the LEADER Program in Slovak Republic - Case Study LAG "Vršatec"


  • Dragan Brković Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra
  • Marian Hamada Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra




This paper analyze and evaluate the implementation of the LEADER program in Slovak Republic. The applied methodology follows the training that the EU evaluators receive when they are requested to analyze the degree of implementation and strategy of LAGs. In a field research in LAG Vršatec, semi-structured interviews are conducted and are following the methodology applied by the European Court of Auditors. The presentation structure of the research results follow the evaluation procedure: at first, the situation analysis is described, and then the local strategy formulated by the LAG is analyzed. In the end, the projects that are submitted and selected by the LAG with all actors involved and their relationship within the partnership are presented. Considering the findings detailed in these previous sections, conclusions and recommendations are formulated to finalize the evaluation of the LAG Vršatec.

