Resilience to Low Temperatures, Pests and Disease - Causing Agents of Selected Cornelian Cherry Genotypes in Gornje Polimlje Region


  • Vučeta Jaćimović Biotechnical faculty, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro
  • Đina Božović Biotechnical faculty, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro



This paper presents the results of a three-year study of the resili­ence to low temperatures, pests and disease-causing agents of 30 Corne­lian cherry genotypes (Cornus mas L.) selected from natural population in the Gornje Polimlje Region. Cornelian cherry has many useful and impor­tant biological features, which are not the characteristics of many other fruit species, such as the resilience to pests and disease-causing agents; growing in poor soil which can not be reclaimed and cultivated; and the resilience to low temperatures and drought, as well. For a long time Cor­nelia cherry has thrived in this region, so it got adapted and become re­sistant to biotic and abiotic influences. Their natural resistance is very important because it enables the cultivation according to the concept of organic production.

