Organosomatic indices and leukocyte formula of chub (Squalius cephalus L) from the Suturlija River

Органосоматски индекси и леукоцитна формула код клена (Squalius cephalus L) из ријеке Сутурлије


  • Azra Bakrač University of Bihać, Biotechnical Faculty, Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Subha Džafić University of Bihać, Biotechnical Faculty, Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Radoslav Dekić University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Natural sciences and Mathematics, Republic of Srpska/Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Irma Ičanović University of Bihać, Biotechnical Faculty, Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina



Coefficients of organs, along with haematological characteristics, represent an important means of monitoring the health and condition of fish. Organosomatic indices show the state of organ systems and individual organs. They manifest as changes in size, which are reflected through a decrease or increase, under the influence of environmental factors. Chub individuals from the Suturlija River were used for analysis. The paper analyses the Fulton's condition factor, heart, liver, and spleen coefficients as a condition factor. Furthermore, the values ​​of total length, standard length, and body weight were determined for all individuals. Also, certain haematological parameters were analysed in the paper: total leukocyte count and differential blood count. A total of 19 chubs caught from the Suturlija River were analysed. The obtained result of Fulton's condition factor (1.53) indicates favourable habitats for chub individuals in the Suturlija River. The results of organosomatic indices are without major variations between individuals (CSI = 0.184, SSI = 0.992, HSI = 0.133). The mean leukocyte count was 45.857x109/l, with the highest proportion of lymphocytes in the differential blood count.

                        Key words: chub, organosomatic indices, leukocyte formula


