Advantage and competitiveness of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s wine foreign trade

Спољнотрговинска размјена и тржиште вина Босне и Херцеговине


  • Nemanja Jalić University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska/Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Aleksandar Ostojić University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska/Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Marko Ivanković University of Mostar, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology, BiH



The aim of this article is to observe the trade exchange by calculating Relative Trade Advantage index with the wine products (HS 2204) of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the most common destinations concerning export and import. The data is used from the trade map data and wine institute data. The trade is based on the former Yugoslavia countries (Serbia, Croatia, North Macedonia, Slovenia, and Montenegro). Export market share and Import market share with these countries ranges from 60% to 95% of overall trade. The most important import partner is Serbia with a stake of 28.2%. The largest export partner is Croatia with 52.3% of all BiH’s export. The calculated RTA index had values from (-0.674) in 2012 to (-0.567) in 2019. Negative values of RTA index represent relative trade disadvantages in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s wine foreign exchange.

                   Key words: EMS, IMS, RTA, wine, Bosnia and Herzegovina


