
  • Malina Čvoro University of Banja Luka
  • Juan Luis Rivas Navarro Universidad de Granada,
  • Igor Kuvač University of Banja Luka



Cities worldwide reshape their urban infrastructure by taking care of healthier and more economical
lifestyles. The idea is to reflect the role of urban design and architecture in promoting sustainable
urban mobility in Banja Luka and reading of the territory that brings citizens closer to its suburban
environment, beyond avoiding constant use of private cars. The study was conducted during the
spring of 2021 with a group of students from the Faculty of Architecture. The result is an offer of
scenarios for further development of the narrative itinerary in the linear territory between Banja
Luka and Čelinac. The study offers prototype conditions that could be relevant in similar contexts
and form part of an open discussion on possible approaches to the challenges inside and outside of
Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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How to Cite

M. Čvoro, J. L. Rivas Navarro, and I. Kuvač, “LINEAR LANDSCAPE. THE IDEA OF ACTIVATION OF THE OLD BANJA LUKA - ČELINAC ROAD AS A NARRATIVE ITINERARY”, STEPGRAD, vol. 1, no. 15, pp. 219-233, Jun. 2022.

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