Process of architectural design ‐ typologies and typological transformation as a strategy for preservation of cultural specifity ‐ the example of Trebinje city in design research


  • Maja Milić Aleksić University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Bosnia and Herzegovina,



typ, typological transformation, design process, identity


This paper will address methodological model of architectural design using the type and typological transformation as a mechanism for preservation of identity and cultural specificity in the growing phenomenon of globalization and unification of space. Theoretical framework of generative typology shall be presented, which will be the base of design procedure aiming at realization of one’s identity in the recognition of old in the new, past in the future. Typological transformation is viewed as the concept of creative thinking which establishes the links through the time, thus opening possibilities for new types in accordance with contemporary needs and esthetics. The focus is moved and is directed to relation between architecture and beneficiary and his identification with physical space. The theoretical framework is further examined in the form of methodological model sketch of architectural design in the contemporary conditions of design research and through the example of Trebinje town.



How to Cite

M. Milić Aleksić, “Process of architectural design ‐ typologies and typological transformation as a strategy for preservation of cultural specifity ‐ the example of Trebinje city in design research”, AGG+, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 106-121, Dec. 2013.